Q?Do you provide consultants for small projects ?

Yes we do provide remote or online DBA for projects starting from 4 to 12 hours. Call us at 732-374-3601 to get the best rates or email us at info@db2dbas.com.


ACECOMPDL is a tool which allows user to compare database objects like tables, views, indexes, store procedures and triggers. It allowes you to generate alerts if DDL is changed in any environment like Production, QA or developement.


ACECOMPDATA is a data comparison tool which allows you to compare data between tables of same schema , same database or different databases. You can start the comparison at a given key. You are required to have primary key on both the tables. Cantact us at 732-374-3601 or email us at info@db2dbas.com for more info.

Q?What is the deployment time for ACECOMPDDL and ACECOMPDATA ?

ACECOMPDDL and ACECOMPDATA will give you reports and alerts with in 24 hours.

Q?How to get hotlist of ACE DBA Consultants ?

You can get hotlist of all ACE DBA consultants by sending email at info@db2dbas.com or call HR represenatative at 732-374-3601.


ACEALERTGEN is a lert generator for any scenario like tablespace size, wrongly placed tables, tables created only in dataspace, tables created without compression, index created without compression, SQL’s created with more then 500 timerons. Call us at 732-374-3601 or email us at info#db2dbas.com to get more information about the product.

Q?Why ACE DBA Consulting ?

We are passionate about our work as you are passionate about you company. We give the solution which are customized for your needs. We want to be the part of your company to give efficient solutions with modern technology. Whether its staffing or technical solutions we give you our best consultants. Most of our consultants are certified DBA and certified Application Developers.

Q?How can I get started with your servcies?

Call us at 732-374-3601 and we will be happy to schedule an appointment with you to discuss your particular technical or staffing need . In order to give you right candidate please send us the requirement at info@db2dbas.com with kind attention : Requirement and for technology requirement please send us an email at info@db2dbas.com with kind attention: Technology at info@db2dbs.com.